Thursday 2 August 2012

Welcome to my world

Traditional blogging wisdom suggests that you should decide upon a one or a select few topics on which to write about. That can be a problem for someone like myself who has TON of interests. So I've decided for now to write about everything and anything that interests be - I may become more focused in my blogging as time goes on - but it's not likely...

Anyway, a bit about me. I live in London Ontario Canada which is a mediumish sized city. My day job is working for a non profit organization in the communications/pr field including social media.

I am interested in topics related to health and fitness, travel, martial arts (I have a second degree black belt in taekwondo), food, wine, gardening and living on a budget. I am a left-handed introvert.

And why do I call my blog Quiet Winner - well being an introvert, I do tend to be quiet - but the winner part comes from the fact that I am an avid contester. In the past 3 years I have won over $25k in prizes from various contests and sweepstakes. Some but not all of my blogs will be dedicated to sharing how others can do the same.

My plan is to write about things that are of interest to me and hopefully to find some followers who share some of the same interests.

My husband and I will be going on staycation next week so when I come back, I will be sharing about some of the hidden gems in and around southwest Ontario.

that's it for now... but stay tuned.

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